The PhD Day of the Chrono-environnement laboratory will take place on Tuesday, March 11. It provides an opportunity for first-year PhD students, as well as those already engaged in their doctoral studies, to introduce themselves and share their research work within the laboratory.
ABSTRACT (All Participants)
Language: English/French
Length: 150-300 words
Keywords: 3-8
POSTERS (First-Year PhD Students)
Paper format: A0 (841 x 1189 mm), portrait orientation
Recommended file format: TIFF image at 300 ppi (or dpi)
Language: English
Posters will be printed by the laboratory
ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Second-Year PhD Students)
Duration: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion/questions
Language: Visual aids in English; oral presentation in French or English
Recommended file format: PDF
Submit a contribution
Click on the "My Submissions" section, then select "Submit an Abstract."
Choose the option that corresponds to your status: "Poster" (first year) or "Presentation Material" (second year).
Fill in the required information to submit your abstract.
You can initially submit your abstract and later modify your submission to add the associated file (poster or presentation material).